Photo: Hugh Cargill Community Garden, Concord, MA



Delicious Commentary for Calm Digestion by M. Susan Hamilton

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Articles and books by M. Susan Hamilton

"CalmGut: Delicious Commentary for Calm Digestion," copyright 2023–2024 by M. Susan Hamilton. G.I. Nutrition monthly posts.

"3am Sleep Guide." [52 p. Digital Book], Sept 23, 2021.

“Diet Discussion.” The Boston Globe Magazine, (P4): Apr 21, 2024.

“One That Got Away: A Prized Fish Market Closes.” The Boston Globe, (A8): Feb 9, 2024.

“Trouble with Sleep? Consider What You Eat.” The Boston Globe, 296 (127): Nov 4, 2019.

“WINTERING OVER: Here's Where You Can Get Local Produce.” Concord Journal, 88 (34): Nov 6, 2014.

“How to Winter Over Local Vegetables.” Concord Journal, 88 (33): Oct 30, 2014.

“Family Farming is Alive.” Concord Journal. 82 (30): Sept 18, 2008.

“Concord's Good Fortune: Good Farms.” Concord Journal. 82 (24): Aug 7, 2008.

“Food Awareness® Program.” The Boston Women's Journal, Apr-May 2002.

“Is Food Just Another Scapegoat?” The New York Times, Op-Ed, Apr 8, 2001, p14.

“Making Do.” Concord Journal. 72 (52): Feb 8, 2001.

“Butter Futures and Pork Bellies.” Concord Journal. 73 (6): Mar 22, 2001.

“Virginia's Box.” Concord Journal. 72 (45): Dec 21, 2000.

“Harvest Not So Peachy with Squirrel Family.” Concord Journal. 72 (24): Jul 27, 2000.

“Our Fathers, Stewards of the Soil.” Concord Journal. 72 (18): Jul 27, 2000.

“Lessons of Job Burnout, at 16.” The New York Times. Apr 9, 2000, Business Section 3, p9.

“At Camp, Potato-Chip Economics.” The New York Times. Aug 3, 1997, Business Section 3, p14.

“Greetings from Camp Black Market.” Boston Sunday Herald. Jul 20, 1997.

Sternstein, Susan Hamilton. “BEYOND SPAGHETTI AND MEATBALLS: At Capriccio's, Claudio's and 1249 West, our reviewer discovers some distinctive cuisine.” Connecticut Magazine, 114 (Nov 1982): 116-120.

Sternstein, Susan Hamilton and J. Robert Pouget. “Exposition Gastronomique Française.” Toques Blanches, 125 (Sept/Oct 1980):

Recipe-ad: “How to Make a Purple Sunset.” R.C. Bigelow's national marketing program for summer herbal tea recipes appeared May/Jun/July 1978: in Tennis, Sunset, Sphere, Southern Living, Glamour, House & Garden, Woman's Day, Family Circle, and People.

Hamilton, M. Susan. Family Economist, "Food Awareness Program" and "3amSleep," copyright 2000-2024. Nutrition counseling for Reflux, GERD, Celiac, IBS, Crohn’s, Colitis and Sleep challenges.

Hamilton, M. Susan. "Divorce: How to Feel It, Live It, and Let Go," The Family Economist, Inc., 1996. Book archived in Concord Authors’ Permanent Collection, Concord Free Public Library, Concord, MA.

Sternstein, Susan Hamilton. Ragu Foods, Inc., "Great Italian Cooking," 1984. "Ragu Spaghetti Recipes for Every Occasion." Contributed original recipes to national marketing booklets.

Sternstein, Susan Hamilton. “Superb Summer Drinks Start with Bigelow Teas.” R.C. Bigelow, Co., 1978. Developed beverage recipes in national marketing booklet.