
I/We understand that printed, verbal, or audio-video-electronic communications in the Family Economist, M. Susan Hamilton, 3amSleep®.com, 3amSleepGuide, Food Awareness Program, CalmGut.com, CalmGut.Substack.com, nor msusanhamilton.com neither express nor imply general or digestive-health improvement, nor the improvement of disease management, nutritional or sleep improvement, psychological, physiological or any other form of well-being. Neither the author, the counselor, nor the sources quoted, shall be liable for any damages arising here from.

All food-nutrition recommendations, counseling, information, nutritional sources, recipes (printed, verbal, electronic, audio-video), are non-medical, and may contain content based on individualized observations that may, or may not, align with current or earlier medical or nutritional research. Information provided is not intended to replace, refute, or revise protocol or recommendations from your physicians.

No claims are made, nor responsibility taken for the Family Economist, M. Susan Hamilton, 3amSleep®.com, 3amSleepGuide, Food Awareness Program, CalmGut.com, CalmGut.Substack.com, msusanhamilton.com contents-material, nor contents-material herewith from any other source. These programs do not recommend changing any treatment or program you are following without consulting your physicians or specialists. Client assumes full responsibility for use of this material and information from this date forward.

Updated June 11, 2024.