Is your GI running your life?

Tired of being tired?

Ready for a calmer gut?

My clients effectively use delicious, food-based strategies to address Crohn’s, Colitis, IBS, Inflammation, Gastritis, GERD, Reflux, Diarrhea, Constipation, Celiac, and lactose-intolerance.


Get in touch.
I’m here to help!


Want to improve your days and your nights?

Is it time to move forward?

M. Susan Hamilton, Nutritionist
M.Sc. Human Ecology

I developed the “Food Awareness Program” and “3am Sleep” counseling to help clients from Brooklyn to San Diego. The youngest client is a four-year-old boy in Denver, CO, and the oldest is an 87-year-old Family Therapist in Concord, MA.

Medical professionals

I’ve counseled a Neuro-Surgeon, Anesthesiologists, an ER nurse, MDs, Dermatologists, Psychologists, LICSWs, a Chief of Pulmonary Medicine, a Harvard Psychiatrist, and a Medical Librarian.

Teachers, Chefs, and Creative Artists

My clients include teachers, chefs, cooks, acupuncturists, university staff, a quilter, playwrights, actors, writers, publishers, and poets. Also, subsidized families, the unemployed, and pro-bono.

Corporate executives

I’ve also counseled a VP of a Fortune 500 multinational technology company, CEOs, various C-level women and men, and entrepreneurs.

Working with every person 1:1, or in teams, is an honor, a pleasure, and a responsibility. I look forward to meeting You! Virtually!


Articles appearing in:

Delicious Commentary for Calm Digestion by M. Susan Hamilton

CalmGut is now on Substack. Subscribe to get regular tips, recipes, and life-changing ideas to help you discover a delicious way to eat that also calms your gut.

Susan utilizes the most healing foods in the most delicious ways!
— A.K.G., Brooklyn, NY
I have learned how food can be used to lessen symptoms...resolved them in my case. I have let my physicians know of my success...GI, Cardiac and Family Doctors.
— L.M. Palm Harbor, FL
Of all the Nutritionists I’ve worked with over the years, Susan has been the most helpful by far!
— S.P., PhD, Concord, MA
Susan has helped our family address this huge gap in our knowledge (and the medical profession’s) with information, advice and strategies to understand how illnesses affect the digestive tract and absorption of nutrients.
— C.K. Boston, MA

Awake at 2-3-4am?

Can’t get back to sleep?


Believe you can improve your sleep?

Ready to face the challenge?

Scroll Down icon

3am Sleep Guide


What you eat, and when you eat, affect your sleep! Exhausted from tossing and turning at 2-3-4am? Discover food-based, drug-free approaches to better sleep!

"Trouble with Sleep? Consider What You Eat"
The Boston Globe, November 4, 2019
M. Susan Hamilton, Nutritionist

M. Susan Hamilton has helped me with both G-I issues and sleep problems. Her food-based program has been consistently helpful for both!! Her expertise leads me to enthusiastically recommend her!
— P.S., Ph.D., Concord, MA

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